Guitar lessons in Helsinki

Professional and efficient guitar teaching for you who would like to get rid of the difficulty and confusion of learning guitar

Not sure of what and how you should practice to get started and improve your guitar playing?

Are you fed up with the fact that your guitar playing doesn't seem to be progressing fast enough, or at all?

You may even have been playing the guitar for a long time, but the practicing you do is vague and random, and it hasn't brought you the results you want nor has it moved you forward.

Enthusiasm for practicing easily stops in it's tracks when you don't know what and how you should practice to improve your guitar playing. It usually leads to you perhaps learning individual things randomly, without being sure if you are practicing the right things in the right way and if they will bring you real development in your playing.

Maybe you need a clear, consistent structure or plan for your guitar playing that will move you forward. But coming up with such a plan on your own has probably bored you to the point that you don't know how such a plan should be made and what things should be included in it.

On the other hand, without a plan you easily end up noodling and playing the same old stuff you've always played. At worst, you end up playing these same things week after week...month after month...

...even year after year, without having actually progressed your guitar playing.

You may have already learned to play accompaniment patterns, songs, riffs or solos, but you have noticed that your playing lacks "touch" and feeling.

You play technically correct things, but there is still something missing in your playing. That thing that attracts listeners, brings a smile to your ears, and makes your playing sound fascinating and professional.

These are very common challenges for those who are just beginning to play the guitar, as well as those who have been playing for a long time.

What if you had a competent and inspiring guitar teacher watching over you to make sure that you're making constant progress in your guitar playing?

The kind of teacher who makes sure that you do the right things all the time and who gives constant feedback and support on your guitar playing.

How much more fun and exciting could it be to practice playing, if with the help of an encouraging teacher, you know what to practice, how to practice and why those things are being practiced?

Imagine how motivating and rewarding practicing guitar could be, if you know for sure that you are constantly improving your guitar playing.

These are the things that are everyday stuff for Kitarakoutsi's students.

Things that can be everyday stuff for you too.

In Kitarakoutsi's guitar teaching, even before the beginning of the lesson or at the latest during the trial lesson, we go through your current challenges, goals and aspirations regarding your guitar playing, and form a clear picture of what kind of player you want to be and how I can help you move forward in your guitar playing. Thanks to this, after the lesson starts, every moment you spend learning with me will take you towards your goals.

I'm not going to lie - improving in playing the guitar definitely requires repetition and effort from you, but with my help you will reach your guitar goals faster and in a more fun way, because you are always focusing on the right things in your practicing. You no longer have to waste time and energy in frustration on the wrong things or useless exercises, but instead you know for sure that you are one step closer to your desired skill level every time.


What will you get?

  • Personal, customized teaching according to your guitar goals and desires
  • The option to learn either privately, with a friend or in a small group
  • You will learn to play your favorite songs and grow your repertoire
  • You will identify and remove the stumbling blocks related to playing technique that are preventing or slowing down your development
  • You will learn ways to put more emotion and feeling to your playing which appeals to listeners
  • You'll learn ways to make everything you play sound more interesting and convincing
  • You will improve your sense of rhythm, which you will especially benefit from if you are in a band or want to join a band in the future
  • You will learn precision and subtlety in your playing
  • You will learn improvisation, which you can use, for example, in solos over a backing track or rhythm guitar
  • You'll learn the secrets of playing techniques that will make your guitar playing sound more professional (faster and easier than you might think)
  • If you so desire, you will learn to craft your own songs and write melodies and riffs on the guitar
  • You'll identify your strengths which you can refine further and things you can improve on, so that your playing as a whole is more seamless and complete
  • You get constant feedback and support, which helps you always know what things to pay attention to in your guitar playing
  • You will have an encouraging atmosphere and an inspiring teacher to make sure that you develop your playing all the time
  • If you've never even touched a guitar, don't worry: I'll help you get started and you'll quickly learn the most important basic chords, playing position, techniques and accompaniment patterns

Numerous happy students

"Kitaratunneille on kiva mennä kun siellä on rento ja kannustava tunnelma. Tuntien sisältöön on mahdollisuus itse vaikuttaa ja Juuso kyselee, että minkälaisia asioita biisejä me haluttais oppia. On ollu ilo huomata, et ollaan kehitytty huomattavasti jo parin ekan tunnin aikana!"

-Sonja, Helsinki

"Aivan virtuoosi kitaramaikka! Juusolta löytyy useampaan genreen tietotaitoa niin kokeneelle kuin aloittelevalle kitaristille."

-Janne, Helsinki

"Todella pätevä kitaraopettaja. Opettaa sulle just sitä mitä ite haluut oppia. Vahva suositus."

-Tommi, Helsinki 

"Veljekset 10v ja 9v käyneet Juuson kitaratunneilla säännöllisesti yhdessä ja tykänneet ihan tosi paljon!"

-Mirkka, Helsinki

"Juuson kanssa pureuduttiin tehokkaasti oman soiton ongelmakohtiin ja saatiin viilattua tekniikkaa tehokkaammaksi. Soittamisesta tuli nopeasti mielekkäämpää!"

-Niko, Helsinki

"Juuso huomioi kivasti meidän aloittelijan (9v) omat toiveet sekä myös vanhempien toiveet harjoittelussa. Tunnille on helppo tulla ja sieltä lähdetään aina hymyssä suin."

-Varpu, Helsinki

"Innostava ja taitava valmennus."

-Juha, Vantaa 

"Ihan hitsin kivaa ollut ja oon oppinut soittamaan biisejä"

-Noel 9v, Helsinki 

"Juuso opetti ammattimaisesti kitaransoiton perusteet, josta oli suuri apu oman soittamisen kehitykseen. Iso suositus aloittelijalle tai jo kokeneemmallekin soittajalle!"

-Kim, Helsinki

"Laadukasta ja ammattitaitoista opettamista hyvään hintaan. Uusia oppeja ja oivalluksia joka tunti."

-Antti, Tampere

"Innostava, kannustava, kiva!"

-Ukko 10v, Helsinki

"On ollut kivaa ja Juuso on kiva ope. Oon oppinut soittamaan kitaraa"

-Casper 10v, Helsinki

"Kävin muutaman kerran Juuson oppitunneilla ja tunneista jäi pelkästään positiivista sanottavaa. Oma kitaransoitto oli alkuinnostuksen ja alkeiden oppimisen jälkeen jämähtänyt hieman paikoilleen, mutta poltetta soittamiseen oli silti edelleen olemassa. Kitaratunneilla sain selkeitä ja eteenpäin vieviä ohjeita omaan soittoon ja treenamiseen. Oppien avulla motivaatio soittamiseen palautui ja se on inspiroinut jatkamaan soittoharrastusta. Ehkä parasta oppimisen kannalta oli Juuson kyky löytää nopeasti kehityskohteita ja antaa näihin selkeitä ohjenuoria joihin on voinut tukeutua jatkossa. Juuson kanssa vuorovaikutus on myös helppoa ja luontevaa. Voin suositella!" 

-Tom, Helsinki

"Sain yksilöllistä, omat lähtökohtani ja kiinnostuksenkohteeni erittäin hyvin huomioivaa opetusta. Pääsin todella hyvin eteenpäin kitaran alkeissa. Kiitos!"

-Kaisa, Helsinki

"Mukava kaveri, joka osas auttaa just niissä asioissa missä tarvitsin vinkkiä, esimerkiksi itsellä hieman taloudellisempi soittaminen ja muuta. Tunneilla rento ja kannustava tunnelma."

-Robi, Helsinki

"Asiantuntevaa opetusta rennolla otteella ja oppilasta kuunnellen. Kitaransoiton perustiedot ja -taidot tuli nopeasti haltuun Juuson opissa:)"

-Ella, Helsinki


I've never played the guitar, but I'd like to learn. Do you teach complete beginners?

Yes, I do. A large part of the students who come to me are completely at the starting line with playing the guitar without any previous experience. So, give it a go!

Do I have to bring my own guitar to the lessons?

You don't have to. There are acoustic and electric guitars here, which you can use at my lessons.

What musical styles do you teach? Do you teach electric or acoustic guitar?

I teach both acoustic and electric guitar. My specialty is pop, rock, blues, and metal music and the many different subgenres of these styles. Of course, the student's wishes and preferences ultimately determine which musical styles will be taught.

What is the lesson duration?

The duration of the lesson is 50 minutes. A shorter or longer duration can be agreed upon.

Do you teach children?

Yes, I do. Students of all ages are welcome to lessons.

Can I come to the lesson with a friend or a larger group?

Of course! In addition to private lessons, I also hold group lessons. Ask for more here.

Can I buy guitar lessons as a gift?

Yes you can. You can buy guitar lessons as a gift for a friend, spouse, family member or, for example, the guitarist in your band. Ask more about gift cards by contacting me.

Do you also teach remotely?

Yes. Learning can also be done remotely via Skype/Zoom/Teams. Please make sure that your internet connection is good enough to avoid connection problems. 😊

Do you accept cultural benefits as a means of payment?

Yes, I do. Edenred and ePassi are accepted at Kitarakoutsi.

Send a contact request

Tell me more about yourself and your guitar playing and I will contact you. We'll go through your challenges, wishes and guitar goals together. From there we will find the best learning plan for you. Filling out the form does not bind you to anything.

Do not wait any longer.

Call/WhatsApp: +358503709075
